Incentive Proposal for the NHL and AHL

While speaking with an usher at the completion of the Wolves game  tonight, we hit on something that personally, I kind of like!

“Since it seems so many NHL teams are made up of so many AHL’ers, how about if the Wolves win the Calder Cup again this year they go up to the NHL?” he said as people passed him by heading for the exits.

I paused and responded:

“And whoever has the worst record in the NHL moves into the AHL the following year!”

No we’re on to something.  Worst NHL team goes AHL, and best AHL goes NHL.

 The kicker would be if John Anderson and the Thrashers finished worst in the league. 

What a kick in the head that would be!

What do you think of this idea??

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4 Comments on “Incentive Proposal for the NHL and AHL”

  1. Jake Says:

    I think the Isles are going to give em a run for their money to bring up the bottom of the rung this year, haha!

    I do definitely think that there needs to be a little more incentive for some of these teams though. Just watching random games around the league, it seems that some of the “professional” hockey teams lack any fire. We’re at the break, and it already seems like clubs are already looking to next season. I could only imagine how much more fierce the competition would be if it was coming down to getting dropped to the AHL. Very insightful.

    • betweenthepipes Says:

      Ha! The Isles are an unfortunate riches to rags story.

      I think you’re right on about teams being too complacent in their misery-I saw it for many years in Chicago.

      I think it would be interesting to see how some teams would play if their entire team was threatened with getting shifted to the “A”. They couldn’t play any worse 😉

  2. adam Says:

    thats a great idea, like the English soccer leagues. Great incentive, great way to get the Thrashers and the Lightning out of the NHL.

    How would the draft pick lottery shake out for the bottom-feeders?

    • betweenthepipes Says:

      Yes! I didn’t even think of that but you’re right! I think the Isles could be added to that list (my, how the mighty have fallen).

      The draft pick dilemma is an excellent question…I’d have to think some more on this, but right now, I’d say keep it as it is because there’s a chance the #1 pick would play in the AHL anyway.

      What are your thoughts, any ideas?

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